I don't usually get political on my blog, but this one annoyed me. The following is a letter I wrote to the Editor of our local newspaper. By the way, I forgot to mention that this bill was sponsored by our good friend Barak Obama. Kind of shows you where is priorities lie. (Drat! I forgot to mention Obama in the Editorial!)
Dear Editor:
I have just become aware of a bill passed by the U.S.House of Representatives, the Global Poverty Act (H.R. 1302).The lofty goal of this bill is to reduce world poverty 50% by 2015. Although the goal of reducing world poverty is a noble one,this bill is the wrong way to do it!
This bill is essentially a tax levied by the United Nations directly on U.S. citizens. The money will not be in our control, and it will not be benefitting our nation. The estimated cost of this bill is $845 billion by 2015--that is 0.7% of the national budget!
The bill passed by the House does not even solve the problem it addresses. This bill merely orders the president to find a way to end world poverty. This is absurd! Last I checked, congress was supposed to create legislation, not the president. Assuming this is even a wise course of action (which I doubt), the House should be doing it, not abandoning their responsiblities to the Executive branch.
Our economy is in bad enough shape witout giving hundreds of billions of dollars a year to the UN to spend as it sees fit. We are a compassionate nation, and reducing poverty is worthy goal. But the Global Poverty Act is NOT the way to do it!
I urge you to contact your U.S. Senator and the president and tell them to stop this bill.
I give you, O select few who read my blog, the same admonition: educate yourself and take action.