Saturday, December 16, 2006


I haven't posted anything since my glorious conclusion to the first phase of my novel. (see post below) I do plan to post my novel at some point. I know that it needs much revision before it will be complete. I have sent it out privately to a few people to get some feedback on. And I'll probably read it myself in a week or two and see what I think of it. Then maybe I'll try to revise it to make it ready for the general populace.

The last two days of November were big days. On the 29th I finished the novel, and on the 30th I finished my last day as a car salesman. Already that job that occupied the vast majority of my waking hours for five months seems like an old memory. On the 4th I started a new job working in the workshop of a manufacturing company. Instead of selling cars, I started drilling holes of various sizes in pieces of metal. All day long. Ten hours a day... but only 4 days per week! The reality of a three-day weekend every week floods over me like happy sunshine (in liquid form, of course, or it couldn't flood).

The advantage of that, is that I have every Friday available to work on getting over to Croatia! I have a day to call pastors and schedule meetings, and a day to work on my presentation, or study, or whatever I need to do. (and then still have a weekend afterward!) This new job is a wonderful fit, and I'm thankful that God used a man from my church to provide it for me. I can now provide for my family, see my wife more than occasionally, and get ready for the mission field.

Now all I have to do is get to it!

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