Friday, October 19, 2007

Another New Project....

Yes, another new project. Sadly for Twitchicus the frog (see my last couple of posts) I have come up with another story. This one will hopefully be a graphic novel some day. I shall not reveal too much right now, but here is the sketch of the main character that inspired me to think up the plot. I have had two previous attempts to create animations involving samurai rabbits, and both failed for various reasons--the fact that they had no plot not being the least.

But this time I've got a plot--dozens of index cards full of plot. But what I don't have is time... :( So you may not see much of this lagomorphic Ronin for a while.

I'm afraid NaNoWriMo will not be part of my plans next month. The imminent arrival of my son will keep me very busy in November. I am trying to edit the novel I wrote last november, however. So maybe a few more of you will see that if I get it done.

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